St. Andrew's Parish The Venerable Canon Frederick W. Rivers, Rector
St. Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ St. Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ St. Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ St. Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ St. Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ St. Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ St. Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ

Educational Offerings

Painting of JesusChrist the Teacher
The Anglican Church has always encouraged education, and it is to her credit that she has never feared the spread of knowledge, nor advocated that “ignorance is the mother of devotion.” To the Church's noble Book of Common Prayer and her version of the Bible in the vernacular, we owe the splendor of our English literature and the development of our national tongue. So it is in this spirit that St. Andrew's Parish offers several ways for our members to deepen their understanding of the Christian faith to the end that they will deepen their devotion to our Lord, to each other in the household of faith and to all people.

Inquirer's Class

This class is taught periodically each year by our Rector, Canon Rivers, for those who are interested in knowing the essentials of the Catholic faith, with emphasis on the Anglican tradition. It is designed to introduce newcomers to the faith and for those who are merely searching for God in their lives, but we often conduct this class for longtime members looking for a better understanding of what the Church does and why. It is taught in an informal style with ample time for questions, and as Canon Rivers says, there are no stupid questions.

1928Prayer Book1928 Book of Common Prayer
Inquirer's class is divided into the following topics:
1-Prayer Book Overview
2-Detail of Morning and Evening Offices
3-Sacrament of Holy Eucharist
4-Sacrament of Baptism
5-Sacrament of Confirmation
6-Other Sacraments
7-The Creeds
8-Offices of Instruction
10-Church History
12-Holy Scripture
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Books We Like

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As a reading resource for our members and others interested in the Church and Christianity in general, we at St. Andrew's Parish have a list of books that have been recommended and enjoyed by our clergy and parishioners.

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