St. Andrew's Parish The Venerable Canon Frederick W. Rivers, Rector
Saint Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ Saint Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ Saint Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ Saint Andrew's Parish in Phoenix, AZ
Church Chapel

2025 Calendar of Events

Jan. 25 - The Conversion of St. Paul Mass 9:00am

Feb. 2 - Purification of St. Mary the Virgin Masses 7:30 and 10:00am
Feb. 24 - St. Matthias the Apostle Mass 7:00pm

March 5 - Ash Wednesday Litany, Penitential Office, Imposition of Ashes, and Mass 7:00pm
March 25 - Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary Mass 7:00pm

April 13 - Palm Sunday Masses and Distribution of Palm Crosses 7:30 and 10:00am
April 17 - Maundy Thursday Mass and Stripping of the Altar 7:00pm
April 18 - Good Friday Meditation and Litanies Noon - 3:00pm, Stations of the Cross 7:00pm
April 20 - Easter Sunday Masses 7:30am and 10:00am
April 25 - St. Mark the Evangelist Mass 7:00pm

May 1 - St. Philip and St. James, Apostles Mass 7:00pm
May 29 - The Ascension of our Lord Jesus Christ Mass 7:00pm

June 8 - Whitsunday (Feast of Pentecost) Masses 7:30 and 10:00am
June 20 - St. Barnabas the Apostle Mass 7:00pm
June 24 - The Nativity of John the Baptist Mass 7:00pm
June 29 - St. Peter the Apostle Masses 7:30 and 10:00am

July 4 - Independence Day Mass 9:00am
July 25 - St. James the Apostle Mass 7:00pm

Aug. 6 - The Transfiguration of our Lord Jesus Christ Mass 7:00pm
Aug. 24 - St. Bartholomew the Apostle Masses 7:30 and 10:00am

Sep. 21 - St. Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist Masses 7:30 and 10:00am
Sep. 29 - St. Michael and All Angels Mass 7:00pm

Oct. 18 - St. Luke the Evangelist Mass 9:00am
Oct. 28 - St. Simon and St. Jude, Apostles Mass 7:00pm

Nov. 1 - All Saints' Day Mass 9:00am
Nov. 27 - Thanksgiving Day Mass 9:00am

Dec. 1 - St. Andrew the Apostle Mass 7:00pm
Dec. 22 - St. Thomas the Apostle Mass 7:00pm
Dec. 24 - Vigil of the Nativity of our Lord Mass 11:00pm
Dec. 25 - Christmas Day Mass 10:00am
Dec. 26 - St. Stephen, Deacon and Martyr Mass 10:00am
Dec. 27 - St. John, Apostle and Evangelist Mass 10:00am
Dec. 28 - The Holy Innocents Masses 7:30 and 10:00am


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